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Don't break the bank!

We know nearly all family child care associations run on a shoestring budget, held together by dedicated board members, and occasionally a wish and a prayer. If you are interested in letting FCC Associates help your family child care association improve its performance but don’t have the funding, maybe we can help.


Family child care is a HOT topic around the country now. In late 2019, the Whitehouse included family child care in their statement on child care priorities. Millions of dollars from foundation grants and taxes are being poured into initiatives to support family child care at the national, state and local levels. There is even a new collaborative of foundations dedicated to family child care!

There are probably several organizations in your state or community that want to support family child care and you may be eligible for what are called “capacity building” grants. Contact us and we can brainstorm about possible sources of funding in your area. We are always ready to talk about family child care!

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